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Alright friends, let's talk about the dreaded topic... conformity!

Why do we teenagers feel the need to measure up to the standards that society has set? By following what's " in" we compromise our integrity. Now I'm not going to lie, I have and still conform. But, I feel like with the help of  God's word I am slowing but surely becoming less of a conformer of man but towards God. Now I know what you're thinking, "Tori you are still conforming!" Well, this conforming is completely different than just any regular conforming it's about conforming to a more Christ-like person. I know in today's society we all get caught up going to wild parties, hooking up with random people, gossiping about random celebrities, and more. Sometimes we can all get caught in comprising situations that might cause us to stray from the word of God, and more towards man.     

Some questions that we Christians need to ask ourselves is; how will the decisions I make now affect me in the future? Will taking that sip of alcohol make me feel good in the long run? Will choosing to hang out with these certain people make me compromise my integrity? Am I making my parents proud? Is my Heavenly Father proud of me? Now I'm not shaming anyone because I have no right to judge anyone but I am saying conformity comes with consequences. 

The road to a less conforming life is not easy, but here are some memory verses to help bring clarity:

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that which is good and acceptable and perfect." 

Romans 12:2

" I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart."

John 14:27

"Don't participate in the darkness of wild parties and drunkenness, or in sexual promiscuity and immoral living or in quarreling and jealousy."

Romans 13:4

I am not going to say the road to becoming more Christ-like is a peaceful journey. Start simply by talking to the man upstairs; He loves it when you talk to Him! God never said being a Christian in this world would be easy, but with more knowledge of His word and fellowship with other Christians should make your walk with Christ easier. 

Faith: Welcome



Fellowship with Friends... and good coffee

Hi Friends! Long time no blogging! I am so sorry for my inconsistency... To be honest I have no excuse for my departure, I let school, theater, family, and friends become my excuse for not sitting down on a computer to write. But, I'm back and better than ever! Recently, I had the opportunity to meet with a couple girls and a sweet lady by the name of Kelly. We all went out for coffee and just talked about life as young christian girls! Kelly asked us a lot of questions that really made me question my life as  girl living in todays society. What stuck out to me most is how well  I live  authentically... Now I know some of you might be like, " Tori authenticity means being true to yourself, why would you question your own authenticity?" But, this is a different authenticity I'm talking about. I'm talking about being authentic in the Lord. The Lord calls us to be authentic in his word and live boldly in His name. Though it can be easier said , sometimes the challenge of living authentically is not. To be quite honest I fall short of being authentic in His name. I let the world sway me from His word and become so involved with whats in. I'm by no means perfect, I fall short of glorifying his name more often than not, but I do strive to live boldly in His name. My challenge for all of you readers is : fight that good fight. Be bold! Proclaim His name! I hope all of you enjoyed! I love you all so much! 


Here are some memory verses:



Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Psalms 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path


Faith: About
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